Thai Massage | Acupuncture | Tui Na | Cupping

“ I use the combination of energetic work from acupuncture with the physical work of massage and manipulation to find a way to optimal health.”

In my early twenties, a trip to South East Asia introduced me to Traditional Thai massage, village healers, herbal remedies, cultural diversification, and myriad of new food – for belly and mind. After a short 10 day course with one very special teacher, my world illuminated afresh, giving me a focus and new direction that felt like coming home. It shifted my life into a different realm and has had me returning to that part of the world for two decades.Thai massage was my first love in the bodywork world, I then pursued Chinese Tui Na and Acupuncture, studying at the Bodyharmonics Centre in the UK and visiting China to help deepen my understanding.I have been privileged to work and study with some wonderful teachers, abroad and on home soil, which has helped develop my work and touch to the present day.Initially working in London with the Pure Medicine Group, Harley Street, an opportunity to move to Cheltenham appeared and I opened my own practice. There I work closely with an Osteopath, comparing ideas and case studies to broaden our understanding of the body.

It’s a pleasure to use my skills and knowledge of massage on many clients all around the world. Finding ways to help people navigate their own bodies .

Lets hear what my clients have to say. . .

“I thought I’d had plenty of good massages over the years, then I had a treatment from Peter. His depth of knowledge is assuring, he has a sincere passion and his treatments are very deep and effective.” Jae Willis, Tai Chi Teacher, Somerset.

“Peter’s Thai massage is simply divine.” Claudia Walker, Acupuncturist, Leicester

“I have been using Peter for six months now and I am so pleased I was recommended him. Peter is very friendly, professional and his great treatment has helped me overcome a problem that has plagued me for over 20 years! I cannot recommend Peter highly enough.” Mike Horton, Cheltenham.

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Peter Packard | Holistic Therapist | est. 2000